It can be difficult to know how to improve sexual communication skills.
That is why we created Oral Hygiene.

what is
oral hygiene?
Oral Hygiene is Squirm's 10-day audio course dedicated to healthy sexual communication.
Oral Hygiene focuses on topics such as asking for what you want, getting more comfortable with dirty talk, navigating performance anxiety, getting consent without breaking momentum, and much more.
Ten Days of
Companion Workbook
Bonus Episode
we cover...
Why Talking About Sex Doesn't Ruin Sex
Exploring Desire
Timing Your Conversations About Sex
Expressing Desire: Building a Vocabulary
Making Consent Sexy
Rejection vs. Redirection
Dirty Talk
Orgasms & Erections
Ways to Be an Ethical Porn Consumer
+ More!

what does brushing my teeth have to do with sexual communication?
The course is built on a proven technique for personal growth called habit stacking. Habit stacking means using an existing behavior as a cue to add a desired new behavior. When you listen to Oral Hygiene, you'll be stacking the desired new behavior of better sexual communication on top of a hopefully existing behavior of brushing and flossing your teeth.
Each episode is about six minutes long and broken into three parts:

The Brush
Core concept of the day

The Floss
An action item associated with the core concept

The Mouthwash
A fun palette cleanser